About meWork

branch App

A few months ago, a friend reached out to me to try out the website of a business for which she was working as the head of social media. The website focused on local Georgia elections and providing information for Georgian communities so that they could make educated voting decisions.

Because all of those causes are important to me, I decided to use this capstone as an opportunity to make this volunteer-based effort even more accessible.

This project was assigned through the UX Academy of Design Lab, in which I was responsible for research, UX/UI design, and asset creation.

Goals & Objectives

The Basics

This project spanned two weeks and a half, in which I worked alone and acted as the user experience researcher and the user interface designer.

Pinpointing a Persona

Branch already had a certain demographic in mind but I conducted interviews to confirm that demographic in the case that perhaps the app might appeal to a different user-base.

Because branch had already established a goal–make candidate information accessible to communities–I collected data about voting pain points in general, on the off-hand that one day the app might choose to branch into anything else relevant.


Defining the Details

I started by creating a sitemap so that the task flows and user flow would be more easily informed. I met a few roadblocks along the way, namely that I had never made a sitemap of an app. My mentor suggested various methods popular in the industry and I decided to map the app based on the bottom navigation that I had envisioned.

While wireframing, I made a few changes that veered from this map and as a result, the task/user flows. Seeing the product (even roughly) allowed me to recognize the shortcomings in the sitemap. User testing would later prove valuable in doing the same thing.

Building Blueprints

For this project, I decided to do a mid-to-high-fidelity wireframe for a more accurate user test. I felt that the more believable the prototype was, the more immersive the test could be for the recruited participants. Then any feedback from testers could be implemented into the high-fidelity final (for this project).

Testing the Prototype

After finishing the prototype, I reached out through several platforms to find participants for the user test. They were asked to complete three tasks, with the purpose of finding points of confusion or general opinions on what could be improved. The user test script and results are in the slideshow below.

Below is also the link to the mid-to-high-fidelity wireframe.

Prototype v1

After the initial round of testing, I created an affinity map to sort out the feedback and distinguish patterns in opinions of the UI. I could also sort out what pain points were specific to certain tasks and what applied to the app overall.

Prototype v2

Next Steps

Here are the next steps needed to reach deployment:

  1. Repeated user tests and changes to the prototype until satisfactory.
  2. Hand-off to devs.