About meWork

Read-It-Again Website

Read-It-Again is a secondhand bookstore local to the city I grew up in. They're known for their family-oriented practices and ability to trade-in as well as purchase used books. They host events frequently for all age groups and genres and also host several clubs for their customers to engage with.

This project was assigned through the UX Academy of Design Lab, in which I was responsible for research, UX/UI design, and asset creation.

Goals & Objectives

The Basics

This project spanned two weeks, in which I worked alone and acted as the user experience researcher and the user interface designer.

Pinpointing a Persona

In order to find the best way to organize Read-It-Again's website, I took a look at several competitors' websites. Then, to create a persona that best suited Read-It-Again's audience, I conduced interviews with individuals who had traded their possessions in and/or participated in secondhand shopping.


Defining the Details

To determine what to build out for the wireframes and eventual prototype, I created a sitemap and user flows. These assets also helped to better inform the preliminary organization of the website.

Site Architecture

Had I not been on such a strict timeline, I would have conducted a card sort to see how users might have organized the site. Unfortunately, given the time constraint, I used patterns I noticed when comparing competitors' websites in the earlier Research phase to create the sitemap. This step proved to have an effect on the user testing phase later down the line.

I first began by listing the major pages of the website and attempted categorizing them with a mindmap. I refined the mindmap before realizing this information was best delivered in a venn diagram.

Task and User Flows

Based on the sitemap and notes I took from the interviews, I was able to create task and user flows.

Building Blueprints


With the sitemap and flows complete, I moved onto wireframing the site. I built out the desktop site first before building the mobile and tablet sites. I focused on creating pages relevant to the user and task flows.

UI Kit & Branding

To facilitate the creation of the prototype, I made a UI kit.


Prototype v1

Testing the Prototype

After finishing the prototype, I reached out through several platforms to find participants for the user test. A test plan was created and was summarized in my findings as well:

Affinity Map

To organize the results and find patterns that would inform what tweaks to make to iterations, I made an affinity map of the participants' comments.

Next Steps

Given the time crunch, new iterations of the prototype with further user testing could not be performed. If I'd had more time, the next steps would have been:

  1. Correct the prototype so that it included "Trade-in" as its own tab,
  2. Have the Cart module pop-up when "Add to Cart" is selected,
  3. Flesh out the Calendar pages,
  4. Add connections to footer navigation,
  5. and conduct further user tests.

Key Takeaways:

Prototyping took the longest (a total of 20 hours) due to the huge number of screens and connections. I had to stop early in order to meet deadlines. In the future, number of screens needs to be taken into account when forming the project timeline.User recruiting, interviewing, and testing took the second-longest, which was not unexpected.